服務對象和範圍 Our Clients and Service Areas
服務對象 Our Clients
Our clients range from children to elderly. Some of our clients suffer from chronic illnesses eg. Diabetes, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, etc, and requires specialized foot care
治理的足病 Service Areas
足病主要分為以下三類 Podiatry main service area:
腳甲病患 Nail Pathologies :
灰甲 Fungal infected toenail (onychomycosis)
厚甲 Thickened deformed toenail (onychauxis)
陷甲 Ingrowing toenail (onychocryptosis)
甲底潰瘍等 Nail bed ulceration (subungual ulcer)
皮膚病患 Skin Pathologies :
厚皮雞眼 Corn and callus
乾燥爆柝 Hyperkeratotic skin, Skin fissuring
香港腳/足癬 Fungal infection (Altheles'Feet) and related dermatoses
疣 Warts (Verruca)
皮膚潰瘍 Skin ulcerations
靜脈曲張引致皮膚敏感和潰瘍等 Eczema
下肢結構病患 Biomechanical pathologies :
痛楚的扁平足 Pathological flat foot (Pes Planus)
腳趾變形 Hallux valgus, Tailors bunions, Toe deformities e.g. claw toes, hammer toes, retracted toes, trigger 1st toe and etc
腳底筋膜炎等 Planter fasciitis
足跟痛 Heel pain
High arch foot (Pes Cavus)
Sports injuries in the foot
Foot pain
Paediatric foot conditions